Friday, September 26, 2008

Nicotine and Alkaline Minerals: the link.

Donna Smet and Jason Guerrero have created a prize winning video on how nicotine creates a dependence in humans. It's a wonderful video, but as I was wantching I was amazed to hear that nicotine actually releases alkaline minerals calcium, potassium and sodium by actiavting ion channels. The released minerals initiate an electrical impulse, in turn generating an action potential, which rapidly transmite down the axon towards the reward area of the brain. Here, it stimulates the release of neurotransmitters including the 'happy chemical' dopamine. Of course, this effect doesn't last, leading to a need and dependence on another fag. However what rang my bell was the fact that ionic calciu, potassium and sodium stimulated a feel-good effect in the brain.

This ties in at an entirely different level with the Traditional Chinese Model of
Yin/Yang energy, where the alkaline Yin or feminine energy is typified by feeling of relaxation and safety.

>>Here's the video (click thru to Nicotine Video)

Some Pics just have to be shared.

I'm having a 'net moment', when all the frustrations of computers fall away when something is seen. This pic is just such a moment to me. The photographer calls the baby horse 'porcelain' and I really agree. More at the New Scientist site

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Go Tell The World

Go Tell The World is ten million dollar support initiative from Google. Check it out and get your thinking cap on!
Here's the site and the idea, here's the video!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Alkaline Water for Dawgs

We had a great story awhile ago from an ION LIFE user who 'resurrected' his Great Dane using ION LIFE Water. It was an amazing story, but now we hear that a company has decided it's so darn good that they should bottle it and sell it in pet stores!
Check the story here


Chasing an Ionizer bargain? Here's our preloved ionizer blog.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What Can I Say?

Jupiter Jumper

IonLife and 2008 Olympian Brad Walker

#1 World Ranked Pole Vaulter, Brad Walker led the USA team for the 2008 Olympics & guess what he was using?!

The #1 pole vaulter of the USA Olympic Track & Field Team 2008, Brad Walker, used a Jupiter Science water ionizer for hydration, enhanced performance and wellness.

Last month Brad just set a new USA record.

Ah.. gosh, it seems a shame to say that he was beaten by... an AUSSIE!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

WAY Beyond the Pedometer

The FitBit is a new device under development in the US, available around December. take a look at it if you are at all interested in measuring your fitness.
Check it here

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Aussies: Pick up a bargain!

For Aussie bloggers only: check our preloved Ionizer blog page here for a special that will go FAST

Solar Power your handbag

This site is for a company that makes solar powered handbags. Power your cellphone or i-Phone in your bag as you work just by leaving it in the sun by a window (if you have a window to the world where you work!
Take a look

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Where the Germs are and How to KILL 'em!

A great article here on the locations we all come into contact with on a daily basis that have the most viruses and bacteria. Yoga Mats, men's wallets.. lots of surprises here, but remember: lotus can sanitize all of them with WATER!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Wonderful Design Feat from Israel

Take a look at this innovative and empathic design. It's a trike for disabled kids. Unlike the many ghastly designs of my youth for disabled kids (and adults) there's now some wonderful things happening across the world. This is one of them. Here's the site.

Would you like Coke with that?

Not content to take over local water bottling businesses, CocaCola in Australia (The company that clothed Santa Claus in red and white) has now created its own water filter company. So lucky us: Any gas station, supermarket, drug store/chemist, corner store has CocaCola owned plastic bottled water. The salesman who knocked on our company door or home front door selling water deliveries was probably employed by Coke. And now the proprietary water filters sold by coke are moving into the last area of water supply.

Here's their cleverly disguised site. Not a Coke bottle in sight.

'Virtual' Water Reality

Does a cup of coffee use a cup of water? No! This fascinating video follows on from my last blogpost about virtual water.
See it here

Leila on Candida and Alkaline Water

I received this report from Leila this morning. I'm sure it would be of interest to the many, many people suffering what is sometimes called the 'New Age Disease'.

"I suffered badly with Candida for years and Iridology tests showed deterioration of the liver which also affected my kidneys. Four months ago I purchased a Jupiter Water Alkalizing and began drinking the water. Recent Iridology tests have shown a marked improvement, the scarring is healing and I'm feeling much better - result!"

Leila Gorring QLD

My Friend Graeme reports from Thailand.

Graeme is a long term alkaline water drinker. He reports in to us with a visit every few months and it's been wonderful to see the changes in him over the years.
He has recently moved to Thailand but still keeps up his water habit.
Here's a note from him I received this week:

"As an aside to your blog story about non violent communication, the B.O. subject struck a nerve because it was a problem for me for many years, especially bad breath and smelly feet because I was acid as hell. Now that I am fairly well balanced (due largely to the consumption of 2-4 litres of alkaline water from my Melody every day) all of that has disappeared and Yam (Graeme's partner) regularly comments on how good I smell, which is great for both of us."